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    Carmen ...de la Torre...                 

Painter and sculptor  

Artistic process

Carmen …de la Torre… was born in Spain, more precisely in the province of Jaén in Andalusia. She has now been living in Quebec for ten years.

She has a master's degree in painting and another master's degree in sculpting from the University of Seville. Her career spans more than three decades and her vast and varied production is characterized by an interdisciplinary practice as well as by versatility. Her artistic motto is ''Pour le fond des formes et pour les formes du fond ''. This motto is a call for Art where the Message counts, and the Form counts equally.

At first, you are disoriented. Her works question "the onlooker", exploring the limits between painting and sculpture.

She disturbs and often provokes by the techniques she uses, by her works that deal with our civilization's myths, by the violence that is present, by the suffering that accompanies it, and above all by the aestheticism and the virtuosity that emanate from her works.

Every picture is born from a perilous descent. Images extracted from the tenacious and voracious night that surrounds us. The painter rescues the images, each one more or less drowned at the core of the being.

The painter's sensitivity, as a buoy rescuing at each instant a poem that was about to perish irremediably.

Roland Giguère in Forêt vierge folle
(Édition de l'Hexagone, 1988)



Carmen de la Torre's Gallery-Workshop, Québec.

POUR LE PLAISIR DES YEUX : Lunetterie New Look, March to September 2001.

PÉCHÉ MIGNON : Bar Le Sacrilège, December 2000 and January 2001.

POUR LES ENFANTS : École Saint-Jean Baptiste, November 2000 to June 2002.

MÉMOIRE DU TEMPS : Restaurant L'impasse des 2 anges, September 2000.

MYTHES ET BOULES À MITES : Exhibition presented simultaneously in the Librairie du Faubourg and the Galerie-Boutique Lobo Lavida, July to September 2000.

LES DRAGONS SANS DONJON : Galerie de la Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval, March 2000.

DERNIÈRE VAGUE... 99 : Restaurant Le Poisson d'avril, Vieux-Port de Québec, December 1999 to April 2000.

ENTRE DEUX MERS : Sandwicherie Le Titanic, Vieux-Québec, September to December 1999.



QUÉBEC ET SES ENVIRONS : Galerie du pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins. Association des diplômés de l'Université Laval, April - May 2009.

LES ATELIERS OUVERTS S'EXPOSENT : Galerie Magella-Paradis, Charlesbourg, October 2008.

VOIES PARALLÈLES : Salle Multi, Complexe Méduse, Québec, October 2008.

RENCONTRE DES ARTS : Trait-Carré de Charlesbourg, from August 29th to September 1st 2008.

LES ENFANTS SOLDATS : Bibliothèque Charles-H.-Blais, Sillery, from April 25th to May 27th 2007.

LES ATELIERS OUVERTS : Exhibition in Bibliothèque Gabrielle Roy and Ateliers Ouverts, October 2006.

MANIFESTIF III : Palais des Arts, Québec, May 10th and 11th 2003.

MANIFESTIF II : Atelier de Guy Paquette, Baie St-Paul, November 23rd and 24th 2002.

COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION : Galerie Rouge, September 2002.


        General Information

         2123, boul. Benoît-XV, Québec, (Québec)
         G1L 2Z8, Canada

          Electronic mail : artiste@carmendelatorre.com

          Agent, André Legault : andrelegault2@hotmail.com

          Visit of the Gallery-Workshop : (418) 525-6309


Next Events

To make an appointment
(418) 525-6309




























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Any reproduction or adaptation, in whole or in part, is strickly forbidden without the written consent of Carmen ...de la Torre...